Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why I don't need a facebook
This morning I attended a talk on Information Security. Information Security is not just about securing the infos in your PC with antimalwares, antivirus and firewall. It is more than that.

Scenario :

You went for a very important meeting where the members has decided that everything discussed is highly P&C and should not be made known to anyone outside of the meeting room.
Then, meeting ends upon lunch. U and  2 other friend from the meeting went out for lunch. On the way to lunch, you discussed about the findings in the meeting with your team mates. Along the way and in the lift... without realizing that there you ears hearing. maybe there are 15 people in the lift. And it is not P&C anymore!

Worst Scenario :
At the end of the day, you feel very tired and exhausted... having a very bad day. So to ease out, you did some posting to your facebook. Telling your friends that what a day u had today, meetings with vendors did not go well, vendor A sucks, vendor B just meeting the requirement, etc. After writing it, you feel released!. But...

at the other end of the world, the vendors also having a facebook account pops in to your facebook page... ta daa... she found out the finding of the meeting which should be P&C to them. without your realizing it... you have breached your company's code of conduct and may be subjected for a Domestic Inquiry  session and may be charged if found guilty!

So, watch out when you write or post articles in the cyber world. Facebook has a population that is bigger than the population of USA, things that you might think fun to post might be a very valuable info to your competitors!

In the US, police is using facebook to track criminals. In Malaysia too, a student caught for posting in facebook related to the church burning issue (this is really funny hahaha)

Now, tell me why do i need to have a facebook?