Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Hi to all

Wow! My last posting was back in 2005. Lamanyer...

When I read back what i wrote, it feels like watching 'Back to the future'. I have really forgotten bout those things that I wrote in 2005. It came back to my mind, that was during the era of online money scams like swisscash and abfund.

Adflinshauki's blog was what inspired me to start writing back in 2005. I think at that time he was one of the 1st 'artist' to make use of blog and internet to reach out to his fans or better known as 'kodoks' and he is the 'chip kodok'. He was marketing one of his movies at that time. If I am not mistaken maybe it was Buli or Buli Balik. I even have him in my YM :)

What made me write today is bcoz a fren asked me...'ko xde blog ke?'

Since aku tengah serabut mengejar menyiapkan bajet yang tak siap2 ni dan otak aku plak dah tepu so aku tulis la sket.

I will add in links to my other blogs soon.

cukup la takat ni untuk hari ni... masa untuk kurja!jap lagi ada meeting....

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