Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Head starts cracKing

At last something starts today... even tough very slow but atleast there is some thing. Aku dah jumpa starter pack baru tu... dah start printing ads for my 1st project. 2moro I'll start distributing it. At last! mintak2 la besok semua ok, so I can get it spreading and working... Itulah aliran sumber yg dah mula keluar dari celah rekahan kepala aku...

utk projek no.2, i have decided not to use local webhosters.. sbb not secure enough 4 my project, I might end up as an ancaman to their business. So i found a cheap international hoster... which cost me FREE hosting but I need to subscribe a domain name but it is very cheap too only rm48 a yearrrrr HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I need some financial support here... poket dah kering... so need to get some money today... so i can get i projects running.

last nite i got another idea for my proct no.2, it's on the marketing side... hope i can reach everybody, and everybody can effort to use my service hehehe... still remain a secret till now. if u wanna know more followup daily.

Lunch break is over, but i haven't taken my lunch. biasa la tu.... tu pasal aku kurus... lewat sket baru leh makan... tak lapar lagi. pagi tadi member belanja roti canai dgn kari kambing... nyam2 sedap kambing dia masak ari ni...

ok la, stop now... 2b continued 2moro hopefully.

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